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Best Strategy To Win Money In Roulette

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The Reverse Martingale strategy is the best strategy n my opinion. It has a predictable amount of play time, offers a fair chance to win really big, and has great expected value. However, this is not suitable for live play in most cases due to the basic bet size needing to be small (unless you have a really big budget), which is a problem. The BEST Roulette Strategy to WIN AT ROULETTE? (secret 7) IMPORTANT: This is a partial secret revealed (it is NOT the full secret, just a preview).In order to read the full secret about 'which is the best roulette strategy to win at roulette', you need to purchase a license. Outside bets include Columns or Dozens which pay 2/1 and give a 31% chance to win. Or, even-money bets such as Red/Black, Even/Odd, and Low 18/High 18 which pay 1/1 and give a 47% chance to win. Most of the popular roulette systems only use the latter. Playing the Inside Bet. For this roulette winning strategy to work, you need to make larger bets or win in order to recoup losses, and if you can't do either then you want to walk away. The Reverse Martingale Roulette Strategy As might be expected given the name, this method of roulette gameplay is the opposite of the Martingale Strategy. How much can I expect to win using your roulette strategy? Based on actual games played in Las Vegas, and as further illustrated in the manual, a $3 average bet won $87 an hour, a $5 average bet won $145 an hour, and a high rolling $20 player raked-in a whopping $580 an hour.

Roulette is one of the most popular table games in modern casinos. Although variations on the game have been around for several hundred years, there are now only 3 variations in American casinos.

You're likely already familiar with American roulette and European roulette. The most recent addition to the table game inventory is Sands Roulette.

Which of these games should you play?

How should you bet on them?

What's the smartest strategy for roulette betting?

I'll explain all that in this post:

What Are the Differences between American, European, and Sands Roulette?

Although these games have a few other differences, the most significant distinction between the 3 versions of roulette are the number of green slots the wheels contain.

Every roulette wheel has at least 37 slots.

Best Strategy To Win Money In Roulette Games

36 of those slots are always numbered 1 to 36, and they're alternately colored RED or BLACK.

The additional slots are green.

In European roulette there is only one green slot, the '0'.

In American roulette there are two green slots: '0' and '00'.

In Sands roulette a third green slot, 'S', has been added to the wheel.

Best Strategy To Win Money In Roulette Simulator

The green slots are there for one reason:

They make the game's statistical probabilities uneven.

This is because of the way roulette bets are paid off. You can win anywhere from 35-to-1 (for betting on a single number) down to 1-to-1 (for betting on 18 slots at a time).

The payoffs, called 'odds', are not as fair to you as the actual estimated probabilities of the roulette ball landing on any given slot. This is how the casino makes its money.

In a game of roulette the house should keep at least 2.70% of all the bets players make over time. The casino has no need to cheat the players. In fact, the players often make really bad bets that improve the 'house edge', as that casino profit is called.

One of the other differences between European roulette and both American and Sands roulette is that the European roulette table has an additional betting area. This secondary betting area is used to place specially designed bets. They are more complicated than the normal bets made in American and Sands roulette. I'm going to ignore this section of the table, because I'm going to show you how to place bets that have the best chances of paying off.

Is There a Winning System for Roulette?

Everyone who gets into roulette sooner or later starts to think about how they can 'beat the system'.

I'm going to be honest here:

There is no way to do that.


The green slots on the wheel make it impossible for anyone, anywhere, to ever design a betting system that is guaranteed to win. If you really want to guarantee yourself a win every time, then put a chip on each of the 2-to-1 outside bets and on each of the green number bets.

That's the only way you'll be paid money every time the wheel spins.

You'll also go broke.

You may have heard about a system called the Martingale System. It's a popular betting system with new roulette players.

Experienced roulette players just turn their heads and roll their eyes when someone mentions the Martingale System. The only way you can make money with the Martingale System is to write a book about it and get people to buy your book.

Even that's a gamble, though, because most people now know that the Martingale System promises more than it delivers.

Here's how this system works:

You start out betting the minimum. If you lose, you double your bet. If you win on your doubled bet, you go back to betting the table minimum. If you lose again, you double the size of your bet again.

This sounds great to inexperienced bettors but the problem is that you'll either run out of money or hit the table limit before you can recoup your losses as they add up.

Best strategy to win money in roulette simulator

The green slots on the wheel make it impossible for anyone, anywhere, to ever design a betting system that is guaranteed to win. If you really want to guarantee yourself a win every time, then put a chip on each of the 2-to-1 outside bets and on each of the green number bets.

That's the only way you'll be paid money every time the wheel spins.

You'll also go broke.

You may have heard about a system called the Martingale System. It's a popular betting system with new roulette players.

Experienced roulette players just turn their heads and roll their eyes when someone mentions the Martingale System. The only way you can make money with the Martingale System is to write a book about it and get people to buy your book.

Even that's a gamble, though, because most people now know that the Martingale System promises more than it delivers.

Here's how this system works:

You start out betting the minimum. If you lose, you double your bet. If you win on your doubled bet, you go back to betting the table minimum. If you lose again, you double the size of your bet again.

This sounds great to inexperienced bettors but the problem is that you'll either run out of money or hit the table limit before you can recoup your losses as they add up.

The Martingale System is a sucker bet, plain and simple.

Every betting system in every form of gambling tries to leverage probability theory. The Martingale System and other roulette betting strategies also rely on probability estimates.

But there's a flaw in the thinking behind these systems. If you account for the flaw you'll be okay. You won't always win but your expectations will be more reasonable.

The secret to not going broke when you gamble is to set reasonable expectations and maintain your self-discipline. You should never drink or take drugs when you gamble. They lower your inhibitions and impair your judgment.

You might as well just hand your money over to the casino at the cashier window and say 'keep it' if you're going to drink or do drugs when you gamble.

How Do Probabilities Work in Roulette?

Probability theory came out of statistics. It tries to give us rules by which to guess what happens next in any situation. The guesses are seldom accurate predictions. Sometimes the guesses work out, and sometimes they don't. Gamblers love probability theory because they think it helps them pick the best betting strategies.

You're actually more likely to double your money during a roulette session if you put all your money on a single bet. The more bets you place, the less likely it becomes to double your money.

That's because every bet brings you close to the long term expectations. The closer you are to the short term, the more likely you are to get better than expected results.

In roulette, the probabilities are simple. The dealer spins the wheel and releases a ball that whirls around the outside of the wheel and finally settles in a slot. With only 37 slots on a European roulette wheel you have a 1-in-37 probability of the ball landing on a specific slot.

This probability never changes.

This probability is calculated on the basis of all the known possibilities.

What probability theory cannot do, however, is predict where the ball will stop.

Nor can it predict whether the ball will land on red, black, or green any number of times over the next 100 spins.

Nonetheless, a lot of gambling guides tell you that you have the best chances of winning if you do this because of such-and-such probabilities. And many of these guides warn you that there is no way to predict the future, but by setting the expectation that the ball will land on red about 47% of the time, these guides are making predictions and promises they cannot keep.

They'll even back up their claims by talking about how to run computer simulations for 1 million spins of the wheel so that you see how often the ball lands on red, black, or green.

In the real world the Probability Fairy is always on vacation. She'll never be there to wave her magic wand to make things happen the way experts say they should. The ball could land on red over the next 20 spins. Or it could land on black or green or some random mix of color combinations.

You have no way of knowing how many of the next [X] spins will turn out a certain way. Talking about probabilities in this way is just dishonest.

What you can do is look at the wheel and ask yourself how much it costs to bet on the largest possible set of numbers. The idea here is to get as much coverage as you can without losing money too fast.

But even if you cover every number on the wheel you'll lose money.

So the only way to win in roulette–and this is completely random, never guaranteed–is to bet on less than all the numbers on the wheel.

You also want to play bets that pay better than even money. You can place a variety of bets, but most of them aren't worthwhile.

Betting on single numbers is a bad idea. You can place bets on the lines between the numbers (these are called 'street bets') and on lines at the corners of numbers (these are called 'corner bets').

But even though you get pretty good odds (payoff) you're still covering too few numbers.

How Bets Work in Roulette

Divide the bets into two groups:

  1. Inside bets
  2. Outside bets

Inside bets are based on individual numbers or small groups of numbers. When you see players betting on the lines, corners, and individual numbers on the table they are making inside bets.

Outside bets are based on pre-selected groups of numbers on the wheel. The '2-to-1' bets cover 12 numbers each: 1 to 12, 13 to 24, and 25 to 36. The '1-to-1' or 'even money' bets cover 18 numbers each:

  • Odd
  • Even
  • Black
  • Red
  • 1 to 18
  • 19 to 36

The bets more likely to pay are the even money bets.

But unless you can win 5 times out of 9 on even money bets you'll lose your stake. That's the problem with roulette. You always have to win at least 1 more time than you lose no matter how you place your bets.

The '2 to 1' bets pay better than the '1 to 1' bets because they cover fewer numbers. You have less of a chance of winning.

There are 6 types of '2 to 1' bets:

  • 3 kinds of dozens bets: (1 to 12, 13 to 24, and 25 to 36)
  • 3 kinds of columns bets: ([1, 4, 7, 10, 13, 16, 19, 22, 25, 28, 31, 34], [2, 5, 8, 11, 14, 17, 20, 23, 26, 29, 32, 35], [3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33, 36]).

You can make a bet by betting on any two of the '2 to 1' groups. That means that instead of covering only 18 numbers you'll be covering 24 numbers.

This type of bet is often called the 'double dozen' bet. It's popular among gamblers who like to hedge their bets. They have a better chance (all other things considered) of scoring a win with a 'double dozen' than with one of the standard even money bets. If you're playing it safe and going for even money odds, you should always play a double dozen bet.

If you want to bet more aggressively, then instead of betting more money on your double dozen, you can cover all 36 of the red and black numbers. Leave the green numbers alone. Yes, they'll come in every now and then, and you'll lose money.

But there's a way to keep your losses low.

How to Bet on Columns or Dozens Aggressively

Take 6 chips and distribute them across EITHER the three dozen bets or the three column bets.

Place 3 chips on 1, 2 chips on the 2nd, and 1 chip on the 3rd. If the ball lands on a green number you'll lose your entire bet, so always play the table minimum with this aggressive style.

If the ball lands on any number with your single chip bet, you'll win 2 chips and lose 5–for a net loss of 3 chips (half your bet).

That's the safest way to bet aggressively on the table.

If the ball lands on any number in your 2 chip bet you'll win 4 chips and lose 4 for no loss. This keeps you in the game.

If the ball lands on any number in your 3chip bet, you'll win 6 chips and lose 3 for a net gain of 3 chips. This will offset 1 single chip win.

The way this betting strategy works out, your money can grow substantially and still take some big hits. Where the strategy will fail you is when the ball lands on green or if the ball lands on the single chip bet more often than it lands on the 3 chip bet.

Sorry, but there's no way to prevent that from happening.

There Is No Guaranteed Way to Win in Roulette

I can't say this often enough:

You can't win at roulette in the long run.

I think roulette is a fun game to play. It's exciting because you don't know where the ball will land. You take an active role in making your wagers.

And you'll find there are a lot of different betting systems to experiment with. The only thing that is guaranteed in roulette is that the casino will make a profit. What you hope for is that they make their profit at someone else's expense.

Players who try to improve their luck by making big bets do sometimes win, but most often the people who come out ahead are the patient players who use conservative betting strategies and take money off the table. If you only walk away with your beginning stake you'll be luckier than most gamblers.

And you can take that to the bank.

If you're looking for a way to win at roulette, here are the best roulette strategies.

Namely, roulette is a game of luck and there is no optimal strategy to win. However, there are ways to decrease the impact of a loss on your bankroll.

In this article, find the best roulette strategies which let you take control of your casino balance.

Martingale – Fan-Favorite among the Best Roulette Strategies

Many professional gamblers make money at roulette with Martingale.

Martingale is one of the most famous progressive betting systems in the history of gambling. Often used in games of luck, Martingale is perhaps the most popular strategy in roulette and dice games.

Considering that lots of roulette players are high-rollers willing to invest high stakes in the Devil's Game, Martingale is the top-pick.

Here is how Martingale in roulette works:

  1. Opt for outside, even-money bets (Red, Black, Even, Odd, 1-18, 19-36).
  2. Whenever you win, you'll earn as much money as you staked.
  3. Start with low stakes (table minimum) because you'll be increasing them as the game progresses.
  4. If you win, keep betting the same amount.
  5. Once you lose, double up your wager.
  6. If you win in the next round, you'll retrieve all you have lost.
  7. However, every time you lose, you need to double up.
  8. When you win again, reset to the smallest bet and place it.

What is an even moneybet in roulette? Even money bets offer even odds, meaning you get to lose only as much as you wager. Additionally, even money bets provide an almost 50% chance of winning. Finally, the most popular examples of even-money bets in roulette include betting on red or black.

Martingale Flaws – The Fault in the Best Roulette Strategies

The idea behind Martingale in gambling is next to immaculate. The chances of winning are 48.60% thanks to the foul zero; otherwise, they would be exactly 50%.

However, the biggest disadvantage of one of the best roulette strategies coincides with its largest pro.

Namely, if you hit a long losing streak, you need to keep doubling up. The trick with all the negative progression systems is right there.

Accordingly, your stakes need to increase. Therefore, there are two problems with that.

Firstly, most players have a finite bankroll. In other words, there is just so much that you can wager. So, the limited funds will dictate how long you can double up.

Now enters the second problem.

Let's imagine that you have an unlimited balance with millions of dollars to play with. In layman terms, no one can stop you with your Martingale. But lo and behold, casinos have thought of such scenarios, too. Not so surprisingly, each roulette table has predetermined betting limits. In plain English, the casino limits you on how much you can wager per round.

As a result, you come to a point where you can no longer double up in roulette, aka you cannot follow Martingale through.

So, although Martingale can help you make money in roulette, it works only in certain circumstances.


The Romanosky roulette strategy has a high win rate – namely up to 86%.

Before we move on, know that Romanosky is also famous as Romanowski or Romanofski.

First of all, the Romanosky roulette system requires that you playexclusively on aEuropean wheel. According to this roulette strategy, you should cover 32 numbers in each bet. In turn, you will leave5 numbersout.

Secondly, according to the Romanosky system, you should place 8 units (chips) per round.

There are six different bet types in Romanosky. Each bet type covers the middle column. The remaining covered slots differ.

No matter which Romanosky bet variation you choose, the win rate stays exactly 86.5%. Correspondingly, the loss rate is 13.5% in each spin.

Another thing all the varieties have in common is that 0 loses in any option. Interestingly, a number that's always covered is 17, which is considered the number that hits most in roulette.

Romanosky Bet Type 1

Best Strategy To Win Money In Roulette Game

With the first kind of Romanosky bet, you should place the 8 units in the following manner:

  • 3 units on dozens 2 and 3
  • 1 unit on squares (corners) 2/6 and 7/11

The only uncovered numbers in the first Romanosky variation are 0, 1, 4, 9, and 12.

Romanosky Bet Type 2

If you choose the second bet kind, follow these steps:

  • 3 units on dozens 2 and 3
  • 1 unit on corners 1/5 and 8/12

The remaining numbers are 0, 3, 6, 7, and 10.

Romanosky Bet Type 3

The third type of Romanosky bet dictates this placement:

  • 3 units on dozens 1 and 3
  • 1 unit on squares 14/18 and 19/23

The potentially losing numbers are 0, 13, 16, 21, and 24.

Romanosky Bet Type 4

The rules of the fourth system are as follows:

  • 3 units on dozens 1 and 3
  • 1 unit on corners 13/17 and 20/24

The numbers that will cost you your profit if they hit are 0, 15, 18, 19, and 22.

Romanosky Bet Type 5

In the Romanosky bet number 5, you should place the units like this:

  • 3 units on dozens 1 and 2
  • 1 unit on corners 26/30 and 31/35

The losing slots are 0, 25, 28, 33, and 36.

Romanosky Bet Type 6

Ultimately, the sixth variety of the famous roulette system goes like this:

  • 3 units on dozens 1 and 2
  • 1 unit on squares 25/29 and 32/36

The losing numbers are 0, 27, 30, 31, and 34.

Choosing a bet type will not affect the winning percentage, so you can simply pick your lucky numbers.


Paroli is a positive progression betting system popular in roulette. This betting system is often called the 'martingale that works.'

Paroli is like the reverse image of the Martingale, which is why it's often called Reverse Martingale or Anti-Martingale. However, even that comparison is out of place, as Paroli is much safer.

Paroli is the perfect betting system for beginners. Additionally, it suits players with limited bankrolls who cannot afford to gamble tens of thousands.

Here is how Paroli works in roulette:

  1. Place an even-moneybet (those with odds closest to 50%).
  2. We recommend starting with the table minimum.
  3. If you win, double up your stake.
  4. Once you lose, go back to your initial stake.
  5. Check this out – as soon as you hit 3 wins in a row, stop betting.

The last step is the main difference between Paroli and all most progressive systems. While it relies on the gradual growth of stakes, it prevents your stakes from skyrocketing. In simple terms, you can never go bankrupt using Paroli.

Here's an example of Paroli. You kick off with a $1 bet. In the first round, you win; therefore, you get $1 more. The second round requires that you place $2 (double the initial bet). You win, so now you have $4 in total.

According to the rules, you need to wager $4 (2 x $2) in the third game. If you win, you'll end up with $7. If you stop here, you'll have won much more than you invested.

However, if you keep betting and you lose in the next round, you'll lose only $1.

With Paroli, only your initial stake is at risk. Therefore, even when you lose, it will not be fatal to your casino balance.

What Is a Progressive Betting System?

Paroli is a simple progressive betting system suitable for casual players. Typically, progressive betting systems work because they are provable mathematically.

There are two types of progressive betting systems – positive and negative.

In positive progressive betting systems, you increase your bet after a win. Similarly, with negative progressions, every loss incurs a raise in stakes.

Oscar's Grind – Best Roulette Strategies for Beginners

Oscar's Grind, Hoyle's Press, or Pluscoup Progression, is one of the first positive progression strategies.

This roulette system is one of the best roulette strategies to make money in roulette. Namely, Oscar's Grind is based on the balance principle between losing and winning streaks. According to this method, once streaks of wins or losses have the same length, the player gains a profit.

The problem with Oscar's Grind is that it's (too) reliable on streaks. A regular casino goer knows that long losing streaks without a single win are common in gambling venues. In that way, it's as unprofitable as Martingale.

The best thing about Oscar's Grind is that its gains are humble yet consistent. If you closely follow its rules, you can indeed win sustainably.

Best Strategy To Win Money In Roulette Fortnite

Does Oscar's Grind work? Let's see.

  1. Place a small bet, ideally the table minimum; we'll call it 1 unit.
  2. It has to be an even-moneybet, aka with 48.60% odds of winning.
  3. If you lose, stick to your initial wager.
  4. Should a loss happen again, don't fret; simply rinse and repeat.
  5. However, if you win in the next round after a loss, increase your stake by one unit.
  6. Your stake should stay the same as long as you're losing.

Essentially, Oscar's Grind is there to keep you in the game Poker charts odds. as long as possible without losing too much.

Oscar's Grind is not the simplest positive progression out there. It requires thinking ahead and devotion. While its rules might appear simple to beginners, we wouldn't recommend it if you don't have at least some experience.

The Oscar's Grind Algorithm

Here is the algorithm upon which Oscar's Grind is based:


Harrahs casino omaha ne. Labouchere, or the cancellation system, is one of the best roulette strategies and also one of the most complex ones.

Also famous as Split Martingale, Labouchere comes from France, just like roulette itself. This roulette strategy is systematic in the sense that the player needs to determine how much money they want to win in advance.

Then, the roulette player ought to write down a list of units that he or she will 'cancel' after a win.

  1. Like all the best roulette strategies, Labouchere works best with even-money bets.
  2. First, write down a sequence of numbers depending on how much you can wager.
  3. So, write down 1, 2, 3, 4, and so on.
  4. The bestscenario with Labouchere in each round is to win the sum of all the numbers in your sequence.
  5. Whenever you bet, your stake should be equal to the sum of the first and the last number in your string.
  6. If you win, cross out the first and last unit on your list.
  7. However, if you lose, add how much you wagered in the previous (losing) round.
  8. So, after a loss, add the right number of units.
  9. If you win, strike out the first and last members of the session.
  10. The goal with Labouchere is to cross out (remove) all the numbers you wrote down.

So, if you want to make money in roulette and you have years of roulette under your belt, Labouchere might be your man. Labouchere is one of the best roulette strategies ever invented.

The Labouchere Algorithm

Take a look at the Labouchere Algorithm:

Labouchere is intricate but still one of the best roulette strategies on the market.

Is System Betting Profitable?

System betting is common in high-risk casino games such as roulette. So, if you're looking to make money at roulette, using a betting system is recommended.

Importantly, it's crucial to follow the instructions closely, including the number of units per round and the types of bets.

As games of luck are everything but reliable, applying a good strategy is well advised. Namely, as you cannot guarantee a win in every round, the math behind systems offers at least a small profit long-term.

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